Sunday, May 17, 2015

Transfers and Heavenly Boggle

Every six weeks on a mission God likes to play Boggle with our lives. This transfer the dice spelled out O-L-S-O-N. My new trainer is Sister Olson from Thousand Oaks California! She's SO cool. Kind of tall with crazy curly hair and the most solid personality ever. It had been kind of a rough last week with Sister Gil, just with transfers and all. We were really, really stressed about a lot of different things, and I looked like a mess! But one of the first things Sister Olson said was 'I like to have fun!' And I have loved her from that moment on.

We got to do training at President's house. It's the best place in the world. You just get drenched in the Spirit when you walk through the door. Seriously there's a very different feeling when you're inside and outside. It's so awesome. AND we got to eat these amazing honey chocolate cookies.

I also got to see the group coming in fresh from the MTC -- I knew them! It was so surreal. I feel like I've been here forever. They don't even know what's waiting for them in the next six weeks! It's the best and hardest thing I've ever done in my life. I loved talking to them and remembering how nervous and excited I was to be in Korea for the first time.

The next night, we got to go hear the BYU Wind Symphony in concert. We took the cutest FI (future investigator) with us! Her name is 이주영 and she LOVED it. I got to see not only my MTC group serving in Seoul but also our Seoul Nam group! It was too crazy. Everyone feels so different. They all looked about the same. But it was like that feeling when you reread a familiar book. You know exactly what's in it; you've already experienced it. Maybe someone else got something different out of it, but you recognize it because you know it. We've all struggled and rejoiced these past six weeks. Really, the only bummer was that I saw my MTC companion, Sister Phillips, but we only talked for 3 minutes and then we had to go! But it was so great—we could see each other in the audience and she drew this huge heart and showed it to me, and then we lip read for the rest of the concert. Seriously I love her with all my heart.

At the Wind Symphony concert, I was also excited to see Elder Hegewald from San Clemente. It was awesome! He is serving in the Seoul Nam Mission. All I could think of was “your dad is so proud of you!” I really felt that when I saw him and I know it’s true.

We've been doing LOTS of 전도 recently. I've never been so happy doing missionary work! We talk to so many people. Sister Olson never loses an opportunity to teach me a new phrase or word. I'm learning SO MUCH I think I might explode!

Speaking of exploding, we finally called the plumber. God bless Sister Olson, and God bless her common sense. We have two toilets and neither were working. It was a very long night. They both work now. Count your blessings, everyone. 

We also had some trouble at the bank. The ATM said we were stone cold broke. So we got creative in the kitchen and made the best french toast and curry ever. We had cereal for dinner the other day! It's all straightened out now, thank goodness.

One of my favorite things this week was English village! That's where we set up a pretend village with our English students. We got to go to another district and help out. We played the flight attendants. We had to dress up in a white shirt and black skirt and pull our hair back. It was super fun! A lot of cute kids came and we got to just play with them. 

The zone leaders said that if I finished LPP before this other elder in my district they'd buy me ice cream, so I'm working really hard. It's going okay. I'm on lesson 4 which is enormous. But I can do it!

I seriously love missionary work. Every day is a little harder, but every day I have more tools to work with. I love this gospel and being able to share it. The Church is so true! My testimony is growing in ways I never thought it could. I just have so much energy right now and desire to be my best. I love this gospel more than ever.

Sister Bell

BYU Wind Symphony in concert

English Village

Gift for my new trainer, Sister Olson

Elder Hegewald at the BYU Wind Symphony concert

Festive paper lanterns

With my two trainers: Sister Gil and Sister Olson

Final moments with Sister Gil

Newly arrived Sister Olson

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