Friday, March 13, 2015

MTC Tips for Sister missionaries

MTC ADVICE (after being here for 6+ weeks, 3 still to go...)
1. There is a wrap bar in the cafeteria. If you ask they will custom make a salad for you! Just ask for it without the tortilla and bam: custom salad.
2. On P-day, doing laundry in the morning is best. There are actually washers and dryers available.
3. Wait to buy flashcards; the MTC has some great ones.
4. Buy a tshirt at the bookstore with your mission on it! They're so fun and a great souvenir.
5. Talk to EVERYONE. The senior couples, the elder in the lunchline. It's always interesting and a great way to meet people.
6. Definitely bring flipflops for the shower. They get cleaned every day and are still disgusting!
7. They don't really sell good pictures of the Savior at the if you want one, bring one.
8. Be friendly to the workers. They are all really nice and they've helped us a lot. We talked to the guy in charge of service, just friendly conversation and he switched us from scrubbing windows to hoisting the MTC nation flags in the morning - it's great!
9. Memorize scriptures before coming. This will help SO much!
10. The Bible videos the church puts out are some of the greatest tools ever. Watch the Savior during the whole thing. Elder Bednar directed them and they're really well done. I LOVE them and can't believe I haven't seen them before now.
11. Invest in some of those tan peekabo socks that work with flats. They're wonderful.
12. No, you don't need ten scarves.
13. I would recommend both sizes (messenger and shoulder) bags from OGIO. They're awesome!
14. As always I recommend Choies skirts. They are fantastic. Also, every sister has that skirt from missionary mall or Downeast; no one has the Choies stuff and everyone here wants to know where I got the midi-skirts.…/top-4-online-stores…

15. Don't be that girl that wears heels. Just wear your Croc flats and be done with it.
16. The cake here is never worth it; the fudge cookies are and the pumpkin soup absolutely is.
17. Go to the morning exercise class. It's early but ABSOLUTELY worth it. It's valuable in so many different ways!
18. I recommend reading the inspired questions in PMG, I think it might be page 107. Remember to let the Spirit ask the questions through you.
19. To save on pday letter time my companion and I go print off the letters we got during the week in the basement of 18M. It also makes it so we can look back at them during the rest of the week.

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